Выполни Задание 1. Запишите каждое предложение в косвенную речь ( ) 1) ‘I’m feeling hungry, actually’. - I admitted
2) ‘I’m sorry that I was so late’. - I apologised
3) ‘I got stuck in the traffic’. - I told her
4) ‘I’ll practise every afternoon after school’. -I promised
5) ‘I definitely didn’t leave the window open!’ - He denied
6) ‘You’ve stolen my pen! Give it back!’ -Peter accused
7) ‘I will not eat this pizza’- Ann refused
8) ‘The camera needs two batteries.’ -The instructions say
9) ‘Pandas live in China’. - The teacher said
10) ‘It’s time for bed’. - Dad says

мыпоммрт мыпоммрт    2   04.05.2021 07:13    2

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