Выпишите слова, в которых количество букв и звуков совпадает: enemy, yacht, world, victory, union, train, sweet, road, map, radio, port, man. вставьте пропущенную форму глагола to have: 1. i … a family. 4. you … a nice dress. 2. she … many friends. 5.we … four lessons today. 3. they … a lot of money. 6. he … a new car.

ruslana0506 ruslana0506    2   27.07.2019 09:40    0

ramzes2k02 ramzes2k02  16.09.2020 01:57
Enemy , victory , road , map , man . 1.I have a family. 2.She has many friends . 3.They have a lot of money. 4.You have a nice dress . 5.We have four lessons today . 6.He has a new car .
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