«Выпишите неличные формы глагола и определите их форму и функцию в предложении» Exchanges in Russia There are different types of exchanges all over the world. They are commodity exchanges, currency exchanges and stock exchanges. The first exchanges in Russia were commodity exchanges as the country is rich in natural resources. Besides at the end of the 80s there was a growing shortage of goods and raw materials and the centrally planned system collapsed. Currency exchanges have been operating in this country since 1989. Their task is to fix the official rates of exchange. In the course of the trading sessions freely-convertible currency is bought and sold for Russian roubles. The first stock exchange, the Moscow International Stock Exchange, was established in 1990. Among its founders were the Ministry of Finance and a number of banks. The other stock exchange is the Moscow Central Stock Exchange which is closely connected with the Commodity Exchange and the regional stock exchanges. Stock exchanges regulate the circulation of shares issued by joint stock companies. All these types of exchanges help Russia improve its financial system during its transition to a market economy.

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