Выпишите из следующего отрывка числительные, выраженные словами и запишите их цифрами.

seven point thirty-nine = 7.39;
twenty per cent = 20%;
eight billion = 8 млрд. (8,000,000,000).

consolidated net income was five hundred and fifty million dollars, ten per cent up on 1989 and this was the second year that our net income reached the half-billion dollar mark. at the end of 1990 our total assets amounted to over sixty-five billion dollars. we hold deposits of around thirty-seven point eight billion dollars and net interest income alone in fiscal 90 was one point nine billion dollars. in addition, we hold two point two billion dollars' worth of investment securities. net income, the net income per share for the period, was five dollars sixty-five. so, all in all, it was a pretty good and a year that we are proud of .

dikozzz dikozzz    2   15.11.2019 13:31    2

Mashavyd Mashavyd  10.10.2020 13:26

five hundred and fifty million dollars = 550,000,000

ten per cent 10%

second = 2nd

half-billion dollars = $500,000,000

sixty-five billion dollars = $65,000,000,000

thirty-seven point eight billion dollars = $37,800,000,000

one point nine billion dollars = $1,900,000,000

two point two billion dollars $2,200,000,000

five dollars sixty-five $5.65

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