Выпишете основное что нужно выучить мне задали пересказать этот текс только основное не весь вот текс нужен перевод текста saturday mrs wilson qot up early in the morninq.she had a lot to do.she said to mr wilson ,"it,s time to qet up! we,ve qot visitors later today" after breakfast mrs wilson said to mr wilson,"please qo shopping.buy bananas,apples,sweets and some ice cream." mr wilson bought a lot of bananas and sweets,red apples and some ice cream. mrs wilson came to the kitchen and took butter, eggs and sugar. she made a big cake. the she cooked a tasty dinner. mrs wilson put on her nicest drees. " i think we are ready, " said mr wilson. they opened the door. and here was jason and his mum and dad. jason was six years old. he came to the country to see his grandma and grandpa. they were all happy.