Выписать имена прилагательные в трёх степенях сравнения chatterplace is a large farm. there is an old house and a big garden with flowers on the farm/ the house is clean and nice. come to my place! you can ride a strong brave horse. you can walk in the garden. you can swim in a wide river. you can read funny fairy tales. you can play with little rabbits. you can have a cup of warm milk in the evening. chatterplace is what you want! you,ll have a good time here.

ismailov34667 ismailov34667    2   27.05.2019 11:20    3

bati9999 bati9999  24.06.2020 11:44
Large-larger-the largest
Old-older-the oldest
Big-bigger-the biggest
Clean-cleaner-the cleanest
Nice-nicer-the nicest
strong-stronger-the strongest
Brave-braver-the bravest
wide-wider-the widest
Funny-funnier-the funniest
little-more little-the most little
Warm-warmer-the warmest
Good-better-the best
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