Выбрать верный вариант ответа 1. Well, it’s 7 pm, I’d better hit the ………. if I want to get home before it’s dark. A roof B way C road D route 2. She is a bit plump, but she buys clothes that ………. her shape so she always looks good. A flatter B develop C enhance D correct 3. Joe hates mobiles, but Lora is really addicted ………. hers; she won’t go anywhere without it! A to B with C at D on 4. He used to like rock music when he was younger, but now he’s gone ………. it. A out of B away from C off D into 5. Her son is a bit spoilt: he always wants to be the center of ………. . A focus B piece C trend D attention 6. Those shoes ………. your handbag very well. A look B suit C fit D match 7. Famous actors are always in the public ………. . A light B service C eye D interest 8. She tried windsurfing, but she didn’t take ………. it at all. A over B to C on D up 9. When she told me she was going to live in Australia, I was taken ……….: I just couldn’t believe it! A back B aback C behind D under 10. Pop music is popular ………. most of today’s teenagers. A among B with C between D for 11. We are very friendly in this company: everyone uses ………. names. A business B first C code D brand 12. Films with very serious topics don’t usually appeal ………. young people. A on B into C to D at 13. Paula had to work overtime in order to keep ………..with her work. A off B out C up D in 14. While we were traveling in France we passed ………. some beautiful places. A via B by C en-route D through 15. In the 16th century many ……….set out to discover unknown lands. A sightseers B explorers C backpackers D pilgrims

Dginh Dginh    2   25.06.2020 01:03    91

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