Выбрать правильный вариант.

1)She ( play) computer games yesterday.

a) was playing b) were playing c) played

2) He ( read) a novel at 5p.m. yesterday.

a) was reading b) read c) were reading

3) They ( write) a letter last week.

a) were writing b) wrote c) was writing

4) I (wash) the floor from 3 till 4p.m. yesterday.

a) was washing b) washed c) were washing

5) … you (spend) your holidays in Italy?

a) Did … spent b) Was … spending c) Did … spend

6) … they ( do) their homework when she came?

a) Did … do b) Was … doing c) Were … doing

7) We ( go) to the cinema five days ago.

a) went b) gone c) were going

8) He (not/watch) a comedy at 7p.m. yesterday.

a) wasn’t watching b) didn’t watch c) weren’t watching

KukolkaBaig KukolkaBaig    1   30.04.2020 12:01    0

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