Выбрать правильный вариант! 1.Jim and Sue … at school yesterday.
a) didn’t be b) was not c) were not d) have been
2. In the evening Sally … a cup of tea.
a) drink b) dranked c) drank d) was drinking
3. Rick … a student last year.
a) didn’t was b) didn’t were c) was not d) were not
4. … he … your letter?
a) does … answer b) did … answer c) was not d) were not
5. It … cold yesterday.
a) not was b) didn’t be c) was not d) were not
6. We … in that hotel last year.
a) stayed b) stood c) staied d) were staying
7. … you … your books to class yesterday.
a) Do … bring b) did … brought c) did … bring d) does … bring
8. Where … they … last week?
a) did … played b) did …play c) did … plaid d) do … play
9. …at home yesterday?
a) Be Helen b) Did Helen be c) Was Helen d) Were Helen
10. You … in London on Sunday?
a) was not b) didn’t be c) were not d) haven’t been

SanchesMaster SanchesMaster    1   18.04.2021 18:23    4

Julia77707 Julia77707  18.04.2021 18:30

1. C

2. C

3. C

4. B

5. C

6. A

7. C

8. B

9. C

10. C

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