Выбрать правильный ответ. what do you remember about birthday parties when you were younger? today in britain for about £120 you (1)can/have to get a children's entertainer.'for £120 you (2)can/should have about two hours of fun for the children',says entertainer adam ant. 'and for more money,there are other things you (3)have to/don't have to have,but they make a good party,such as balloon animals. of course, you (4)can/should tell me before the party if you want them because i (5)have to/mustn't prepare the materials. (6)'can we/do we have to buy the food from you or (7)can/can't we bring it from home? 'i ask. 'oh,you (8)needn't/mustn't get your party food from me,you (9)can/can't bring your own. a lot of parents (10)have to/can work all day, so they want me to make the food too,but it's optional.'of course,parents (11)shouldn't/don't have to have a children's entertainer, they (12)can/must organise another form of entertainment,for example a swimming party. however,they (13)should/shouldn't check with the other parents first to make sure it's possible and they (14)can/must phone the swimming pool two or three weeks before the party to book. most pools don't accept last minute reservations so you (15)have to/can't leave it until the day before.

usokolova071 usokolova071    3   17.07.2019 18:30    3

evasuperpuper123 evasuperpuper123  21.09.2020 19:25
Have, can, have to, should, have to, do we, can, needn't, can, have to, don't have to, can, should, must, have to.
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