Выбрать правильный ответ! 1. Nick visited his friend in the hospital yesterday, ?
a) doesn’t he b) don’t he c) didn’t he d) wasn’t he

2. Your son studies at the Zhytomyr State University, ?
a) didn’t he b) doesn’t he c) wasn’t he d) won’t he?
3.The ground plan of Washington D.C. by French architect Pierre
Charles L’Enfant.
a) created b) has created c) was created d) will created
4.. They school three years ago.
a) finish b) finished c) will finish d) have finished

5. I know David but I don’t know wife.
a) my b) her c) his d) our

6. His computer now.
a) is being repaired b) is repairing c) has been repaired d) was repaired
7. “Hamlet” by William Shakespeare.
a) wrote b) was writing c) was written d) write

8. Olena says that she her new school very much.
a) like b) likes c) liked d) would like

9. I come in?
a) may b) can c) could d) am

ОлегВолгин228 ОлегВолгин228    3   17.04.2021 15:15    0

temaghj2 temaghj2  17.04.2021 15:20

1 — c;

2 — b;

3 — a;

4 — b;

5 — c;

6 — a;

7 — c;

8 — b;

9 — a.

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