Выбрать правильный ответ 1. if she me i will help her. a) ask b) will ask c) asks d) has asked 2. join us! we are sure to have lovely time. a) a b) an c) the d) 3. our services are you needn't pay. a) freely b) free c) more free d) most free 4. according to the rules of the library you keep the books for a fortnight. a) may b) must c) needn't d) need 5. pensioners didn't have to pay so must for their houses, they? a) did b) didn't c) have d) haven't

artem2006voskanyan artem2006voskanyan    1   04.10.2019 13:20    1

stalina2705 stalina2705  09.10.2020 19:40

1 C

2 A

3 B

4 B

5 C


ImHappy102 ImHappy102  09.10.2020 19:40

1. If she ... me i will help her. c) asks

2. Join us! We are sure to have ... lovely time. a) a

3. Our services are ... you needn't pay. b) free

4. According to the rules of the library you ... keep the books for a fortnight.

a) may

5. Pensioners didn't have to pay so much for their houses, ... they? a) did

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