Выбрать правильный ответ! 1.Anna … the table when she broke a plate.
a) laid b) was laying c) is laying d) laided
2.He … while he was eating.
a) read b) reads c) was reading d) is reading
3. They … … together for three years.
a) are working b) work c) works d) have been working
4.Welcome to the party! … you … my brother?
a) Are … meeting b) Have … met c) Have … meet d) Have … been meeting
5.I … the opportunity to travel extensively.
a) am never having b) have never had c) have had never d) had never had
6.Alex usually sits here. But today he … in the first row.
a) sits b) sit c) is sitting d) has sitting
7.Ann, put some lotion on your face! You … on the sun too long.
a) have been lying b) have lain c) lain d) are lying
8.You … … terrible these days! Go and see your doctor.
a) are looking b) has been looking c) look d) is looking
9.Look through the window! It … … !
a) have snowed b) is snowing c) have been snowing d) was snowing
10. I … … this person since I first met her.
a) am disliking b) have disliked c) disliked d) have been disliking

vadimkolknev vadimkolknev    3   17.04.2021 14:50    3

fafab232 fafab232  17.05.2021 14:53

1.Anna … the table when she broke a plate.

a) laid b) was laying c) is laying d) laided

2.He … while he was eating.

a) read b) reads c) was reading d) is reading

3. They … … together for three years.

a) are working b) work c) works d) have been working

4.Welcome to the party! … you … my brother?

a) Are … meeting b) Have … met c) Have … meet d) Have … been meeting

5.I … the opportunity to travel extensively.

a) am never having b) have never had c) have had never d) had never had

6.Alex usually sits here. But today he … in the first row.

a) sits b) sit c) is sitting d) has sitting

7.Ann, put some lotion on your face! You … on the sun too long.

a) have been lying b) have lain c) lain d) are lying

8.You … … terrible these days! Go and see your doctor.

a) are looking b) has been looking c) look d) is looking

9.Look through the window! It … … !

a) have snowed b) is snowing c) have been snowing d) was snowing

10. I … … this person since I first met her.

a) am disliking b) have disliked c) disliked d) have been disliking


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