Выбрать правильное слово из скобок, записать предложения полностью.
1) Ann has long hair. (It/ they) (look/ looks) wonderful.
2) Your money (is/ are) in the desk. Where (is/ are) my money?
3) Her pyjamas (is/ are) on the chair. (It/ they) (is/ are) dirty?
4) Your clothes (is/ are) clean. Why don’t you put on (it/ them)?
5) Her hair (is/ are) short and curly. Her sister likes (it/ them).
6) Rob is wearing a cap on his head. What colour (is/ are) his hair?
Ex.2 (повторить правило на стр.110, слова на стр.109).
Дополнить предложения словами: look – выглядеть , wear – носить (иметь на себе) одежду, wearing – носить во временах группы Progressive, put on – надевать (одежду), take off – снимать (одежду, обувь).
1) I think you can’t … these jeans. They are not clean.
2) What does your sister … like? – She is a tall girl, with long hair and a beautiful face.
3) Why do you want to … this blouse? It is old-fashioned.
4) If your feet are cold, … your warm socks.
5) If I … these jeans, I will … slim.
6) What was he … at the party?
7) You must … your trainers before you come into the room.

eandrukova567 eandrukova567    2   06.05.2020 12:35    1

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