Выберите верный вариант ответа: 1. they didn’t want to cash a check, so i … by credit card. a. pay b. paid c. to pay d. paying 2. the bank of england increased its lending rate … 7.75 % … 8.25%. a. to… from b. from… to c. at… to d. to … at 3. high interest rates… impact on the consumer’s ability to buy a new house. a. had b. having c. has d. have 4 according to the balance sheet they … a large profit last year. a. make b. makes c. made d. making 5. customers … respectfully … to pay within 14 days. a. is requested b. was requested c. are requested d. requested 6. our profits … recently. a. rise b. rose c. has risen d. have risen 7. if you require … information or assistance, ask at your local department. a. further b. farther c. furthest d. farthest 8. … cheques is safer than carrying cash around. a. uses b. used c. use d. using 9. whenever you want … a sum of money you just go to the bank and pay it in. a. saving b. saved c. to save d. save 10. … a share gives its holder part of the ownership of the company. a. buy b. buying c. to buy d. bought 11. the interest rate … not really … … by the government. a. is… set b. isn’t …set c. are… set d. set… is 12. the sales … really good for our company last year. a. was b. are c. were d. is 13.the company offers a … range of products than any of its competitors. a. wide b. wider c. the widest d. more wide 14. it is … year in the last ten years. a. bad b. worse c. worst d. the worst

7ag 7ag    2   20.06.2019 14:00    2

Vrentor Vrentor  16.07.2020 13:30

1. They didn’t want to cash a check, so I … by credit card.

B. paid

2. The Bank of England increased its lending rate … 7.75 % … 8.25%.

B. from… to

3. High interest rates… impact on the consumer’s ability to buy a new house.

D. have

4 According to the balance sheet they … a large profit last year.

C. made

5. Customers … respectfully … to pay within 14 days.

C. are requested

6. Our profits … recently.

D. have risen

7. If you require … information or assistance, ask at your local department.

A. further

8. … cheques is safer than carrying cash around.

D. using

9. Whenever you want … a sum of money you just go to the bank and pay it in.

C. to save

10. … a share gives its holder part of the ownership of the company.

B. buying

11. The interest rate … not really … … by the government.

A. is… set

12. The sales … really good for our company last year.

C. were

13. The company offers a … range of products than any of its competitors.

B. wider

14. It is … year in the last ten years.

D. the worst

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