Выберите в правой колонке подходящее наречие.

It is raining … a. fast (быстро)
He can speak Spanish … b. early (рано)
Don’t cut yourself. Use the knife … c. gracefully (грациозно)
Sorry, I don’t understand you. Can you speak …? d. quietly (тихо)
Modern cars go very … e. heavily (сильно, тяжело)
During the war my grandmother worked very ... f. carefully (осторожно)
If you get up …, you’ll have a successful day. g. brightly (ярко)
My kids never make noise; they usually play … h. fluently (бегло)
It’s very hot today. The sun is shining … i. hard (много, тяжело)
She moves like a cat: very … j. slowly (медленно

alenka18121 alenka18121    2   13.04.2020 10:49    21

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