Выберите соответствующую форму сказуемого. 1. she hours on the internet this week. a. b. has c. have spent 2. i this company for 5 years and i love my job. a. am b. has c. have worked 3. .you ever blog? a. did, b. have, c. are, writing 4. what’s the most interesting holiday you a. do, b. is, c. have, had 5. jerry is my best friend. i since childhood. a. have b. c. knew

butovobrazz butovobrazz    2   22.06.2019 12:00    5

KSUmaUYouTobe KSUmaUYouTobe  17.07.2020 17:52
A) c) b) c) a) Вроде так
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