Выберите Present Perfect Passive (PP) или Present Perfect Progressive (PPP).
1. Our teacher... (keep) his diary for four weeks already
2. Football... (play) for hundreds of years.
3. I... (keep) my diary since I visited the doctor.
Teams... (organize) in towns since the end of 19th century.
5. Water polo .. (play) since 1869.
6. My cousin... (limit) his computer time for four weeks.
7. I... (visit) a fitness class for a month already.
8. The Five Nations Cup (hold) for more than 150 years.
Раскройте скобки, используя правило Second conditional.
Записываете целым предложением.
1. If I (be) in Scotland, I (buy) a top hat.
2. If he (can), he (go) to Britain.
If my sister (go) to Britain, she (bring) me back a birthday present.​

Tomi200 Tomi200    3   20.05.2020 09:17    1

SadDorry SadDorry  15.10.2020 01:36

1. has kept

2. has been played

3. have kept

4. have been organized

5. has been played

6. has limited

7. have visited

8. has been held

1. If I was in Scotland, I would buy top hat.

2. If he could, he would go to Britain.

3. If my sister went to Britain, she would bring me back a birthday present.

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