Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. Computer mouse is a helpful device that lets you with graphical objects that the computer displays on the monitor
б)works в) worked
г) is working

2. I a decision yet. 1)made 2) haven’t made
3) has made
4) am making

3. Edison made many useful .
1) inventions
2) lectures
3) drawings
4) practices medicine
4. На семинаре присутствовало 7 человек.
1) Seven were at people present the seminar.
2) People at were present seven the seminar.
3) Seven people were present at the seminar.
4) People were at seven present the seminar.
5. The first vacuum tube computer was built at Iowa University, ?
1) wasn’t it;
2) didn’t it;
3) doesn’t it;
4) weren’t it;
6. Do you usually get early?
1)on ;
2)off ;
3) up;
4) out
7. Is your friend going a new computer?
1) is buying;
2) to buy;
3) bought;
4) to see
8. They back next week.
2) will come;
3) come;
4) comes
9. Babbage a device and it an analytical engine
1)designed….called ;
2)designes….calls ;
3) designed….calling ;
4) was designed….called
10. What does the word “calculus” mean?
1) another branch of mathematics;
2) calculating device;
3) abacus;
4) slide rule.
11. Has … in this group got a dictionary?
1) anything;
3) somebody;
4) nowhere
12. What means of coding the data did Dr. Herman Hollerith invent?
1) Какие коды данных изобрел доктор Герман Холлерит?
2) Какие данные кодов изобрел доктор Герман Холлерит?
3) Что означают коды данных, которые изобрел доктор Герман Холлерит?
4) Какие средства кодирования данных изобрел доктор Герман Холлерит?
13. What year … you born?
1)are ;
3) am;
4) were
14. “ Knowledge is……… “.
2)power ;
3) capacitor;
4) failure.
15. Mini-tower isPC configuration.
1) the most popular ;
2) the more popular ;
3) the popularer;
4) the popularest.

dimasik4325 dimasik4325    2   03.06.2020 14:33    4

ozilpro228 ozilpro228  15.10.2020 12:56
1. a
2. 2
3. 1
4. 3
5. 1
6. 3
7. 2
8. 2
9. 1
10. ?
11. 2
12. 4
13. 4
14. 2
15. 1
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