Выберите правильный вариант активного или пассивного залога и перепишите в тетрадь полностью. Подчеркните выбранный вами глагол в предложении.
Chose the right variant (выберите верный вариант)
1. How many doors … yesterday?
a) Had painted c) Are painted
b) Were painted d) Painted

2. His new book … in every book shop in the town.
a) Is sold c) Were sold
b) Sold d) Has sold

3. The Arabic language … in Turkey.
a) Not spoken c) Isn’t spoken
b) Don’t spoken d) Don’t speak

4. How often … your friends from England?
a) Are you meeting c) You are meeting
b) You meet d) Do you meet

5. About 5,000 new houses … last year.
a) Were built c) Was built
b) Have built d) Are built

6. I … Mary today.
a) Didn’t see c) Haven’t seen
b) Don’t see d) Wasn’t seen

7. I couldn’t find the newspaper that you … me.
a) Gave c) Have given
b) Had given d) Was given

8. I think I … my bag, I can’t find it anywhere.
a) Had lost b) Have lost c) Were lost d) Lost

9. When I … them, they … tennis.
a) Was seeing, were playing
b) Saw, played c) Saw, were playing
d) Was seeing, played

10. The children … a lot of sweets by their parents.
a) Gave b) Had given c) Were given d) Give

sartakova2003 sartakova2003    2   19.05.2020 13:55    2

snegovayasnejaovrg7j snegovayasnejaovrg7j  15.10.2020 00:27


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