Выберите правильный вариант 50 we take photos in the museum. it's not allowed! a mustn't b must c should 51 if you wake up early, you late for work. a be b aren't being c won't be 52 you all night. you must be exhausted! a 've studied b are studying c 've been studying 53 i can hear the birds singing from their a nest b ladder c net 54 we can a party for your birthday. it'll be fun! a throw b practise c move 55 i have a fever. the doctor said i should stay in bed. a low b bad c high 56 they him a car when they find an inexpensive one. a were buying b buy c will buy 57 you don't look very sit down for a moment. a all right b wrong c well 58 pets need a lot a adventure b cartoons c affection 59 we since 2 pm. a 've been sleeping b 've slept c 're sleeping 60 to protect from the heat we have to wear special gloves. a ourselves b yourselves c themselves 61 if you're feeling tired, you should some rest. a put b get c take 62 i love to loud music. how about you? a listening b listen c listened 63 i am very busy. i never have time to and do nothing. a out b around c over 64 i don't like people who like to about other people . a gossip b get away c co-operate 65 you haven't finished the milk, ? a did you? b haven't you c have you? 66 my friends like to hang outside the library building after school. a out b in c off 67 that was the film i have ever seen. a most creepy b creepier c creepiest 68 he in the countryside. a lives b leaves c live 69 lucas went to the to buy some cough syrup. a sports shop b optician's c chemist's 70 we like to go shopping when we're on holiday. a souvenir b character c wheel 71 how long in the rain? a are you standing b have you stood c have you been standing 72 unfortunately, many wild animals are in a danger b desert c waste 73 young children should not too much time in front of the tv. a get b spend c take 74 let me your wrist with this bandage. a wrap b sprain c break 75 he is a very person. he wouldn't leave all the windows open. a responsible b irresponsible c responsibility 76 maria taught how to play the guitar. a himself b herself c itself 77 i my ankle and it really hurts. a 've twisted b 'm twisting c 've been twisting 78 if your head hurts, take a a painkiller b rest c drop 79 we went to the new water at the weekend. a ride b trek c park 80 mike is pete. they will both do well on the exam. a as clever as b cleverer than c most clever

Апикун Апикун    1   02.09.2019 01:10    6

Juliabelich2004 Juliabelich2004  06.10.2020 10:49

50A 51C 52C 53A 54C 55C 56C 57C 58C 59A 60A 61C 62A 63B 64A 65C 66A 67C 68A 69C 70A 71B 72A 75B 74A 75A 76B 77A 78B 79C 80A

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