Выберите правильный вариант. 1. my parents never let me in bed. reading to read to reading read 2. the teacher allowed us reference material while writing the report. to use using use used 3. they expected the meeting in a conference hall. to hold to be held holding to be holding 4. what makes him so jealous of his friends' success? to be being be to have been 5. i am thinking my country house. selling of selling to sell is selling 6. i would rather her the truth. have told to tell telling tell 7. you had better your studies more seriously. take to take taking are taking 8. i don't mind out. against eating eat eating to eat 9. i hope moscow state university. for entering to enter of entering entering 10. i want my brother the work as soon as possible. finishing to finish finishes finish 11. could you help me the work as soon as possible? finishing in finishing with finishing to finish 12. if you don't succeed your exams, i won't let you to a disco. in taking, go taking, go in taking, to go to take, go 13. the government intend social programmes. at starting starting to start start 14. i was made to play the piano. learn to learn learning in learning 15. my father makes me the piano three hours a day. to play playing play in playing 16. a passer-by asked me how to the railway station. can get get getting to get 17. the children were let in the river. swim to swim swimming swam 18. the tourists expected the hotel much better. be being of being to be 19. i would like my daughter back home earlier. come coming to come to be coming 20. my father likes for long walks in the early morning. go going to go of going 21. some parents enjoy their children what to do. telling in telling to tell tell 22. his aunt is a very fussy person who wants everything in its right place. being to be be to being 23. a thermometer is used the temperature. take for taking taking to take 24. everyone hates extra hours for nothing. work to work working of working 25. we dislike in the city centre because of air pollution. living live to be living to live

Bog5635545 Bog5635545    3   25.06.2019 15:20    19

Nikityha2012 Nikityha2012  20.07.2020 18:17
1. My parents never let me in bed.
2. The teacher allowed us reference material while writing the report.
to use
3. They expected the meeting in a conference hall.
to be held
4. What makes him so jealous of his friends' success?
5. I am thinking my country house.
of selling 
6. I would rather her the truth
7. You had better your studies more seriously
to take
8. I don't mind out
9. I hope Moscow State University.
to enter 
10. I want my brother the work as soon as possible.
to finish 
11. Could you help me the work as soon as possible?
to finish 
12. If you don't succeed your exams, I won't let you to a disco.
in taking, go 
13. The government intend social programme
to start
14. I was made to play the piano.
15. My father makes me the piano three hours a day
16. A passer-by asked me how to the railway station.
to get 
17. The children were let in the river.
18. The tourists expected the hotel much better.
to be 
19. I would like my daughter back home earlier.
to come
20. My father likes for long walks in the early morning.
to go 
21. Some parents enjoy their children what to do.
22. His aunt is a very fussy person who wants everything in its right place.to be 
23. A thermometer is used the temperature.
for taking
24. Everyone hates extra hours for nothing.
25. We dislike in the city centre because of air pollution.
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