Выберите правильный ответ и запишите :
How/How many old are you?
And where you study/do you study?
That's amazing! What's your favourite subject/subject favourite?
French. I love learn/learning language
How many foreign languages can you speak/you can speak?
Ten languages? Do you travel/you travel a lot then?
Oh, no. I never travel/travel never I just read books! ​

MilenaNasifullina MilenaNasifullina    3   21.12.2020 14:21    0


How many old are you?

And where do you study?

That's amazing! What's your favorite subject?

French. I love learning a language

How many foreign languages ​​can you speak?

Ten languages? You travel  a lot then?

Oh no. I never travel, I just read books!


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