Выберите правильный ответ 1. I … not play football yesterday.
a) do b) did c)does
2. He went to the cinema … .
a) every day b)usually c) a week ago
3. She always … dinner.
a) cooks b)cooked c)cooking
4. … you watch a film 2 days ago?
a) does b) do c) did
5.We … at the cinema last month.
a) are b)was c) were
6. Students often … tests at the lesson..
A )write b) wrote c) writes
7. I… not eat burgers every day.
a) did b) do c)does
8. Who … a lot of mistakes last lesson?
a) did make b)made c)makes
9. Where did you … her yesterday?
a) saw b) sees c)see
10. Who … at school last Monday?
a) were b)was c)are

lalal2345 lalal2345    1   20.05.2021 09:27    0

elenaignashova1 elenaignashova1  19.06.2021 09:28

ответ:внизу фото


Выберите правильный ответ 1. I … not play football yesterday. a) do b) did c)does 2. He went to the