Выберите правильный модальный глагол

1. It was raining hard and we can’t/weren’t able to drive fast.
2. Cats aren’t allowed to/aren’t able to get inside. .
3. You have to /must buy bread. Your sister asked you about it.
4. Women are allowed to/have to cover their heads in a church.
5. It’s getting late. I ought to/may go to bed.
6. I’m not sure but Mary could/must be in France now.
7. He was ought to/ able to buy a new car with his credit card.

Кrистинkа2006 Кrистинkа2006    1   29.04.2020 01:32    2

komkov2 komkov2  04.08.2020 06:17
1) weren’t able to
2) aren’t allowed to
3) have to
4) have to
5) ought to
6) could
7) was able to
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