Выберите правильную временную форму глагола :

1. Where are you ? I (have waited/ have been waiting) for you for an hour already!

2. My uncle (has bought/ has been buying) this bike.

3. She (has been writing/ has written) the letter since she came home.

4. I (have been painting/ have painted) the walls all the morning!

5. You (have been reading/ have read) this book for 6 months already! There are only 50 pages in it!

Eugeniatochko Eugeniatochko    1   26.04.2020 21:53    2

aristovfedia aristovfedia  13.10.2020 22:09

1. have been waiting

2. has bought

3. has been writing

4. have been painting

5. have been reading


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