Выберите правильную форму глагола:

1. His father to London last Sunday.

a) came back c) is coming back

b) comes back d) come back

2. She from school now.

a) comes c) is coming

b) is come d) come

3. Yan a letter to Nick two days ago.

a) write c) is writting

b) wrote d) writes

4. My mother rarelylunch.

a) cooked c) cook

b) is cooking d) cooks

5. I to Paris in 2003 and 2006.

a) goes c) is going

b) go d) went

6. He the dishes at the moment.

a) washes c) washed

b) is washing d) wash

7. Yesterday I dinner with a friend.

a) have c) had

b) is having d) has

8. My pet never meat.

a) eat c) ate

b) eats d) is eating

9. They to the sport club 5 days ago.

a) went c) is going

b) go d) goes

10. Iin swimming pool 3 days in week.

a) don't swim c) am not swimming

b) didn't swim d) is not swimming

11.My sister the guitar now.

a) plays c) is playing

b) did not play d) played

12. She often a car.

a) is buying c) bought

b) buys d) does not bought

13. My grandmotherthe cake on Saturday.

a) is baking c) baked

b) bakes d) did not bake

14. He on the sea last month.

a) go c) was

b) does not go d) is going

15. My familypizza now.

a) ate c) are eating

b) is eating d) eats

морол морол    1   20.05.2020 15:01    2

ioOllOoi ioOllOoi  06.09.2020 18:01

1) a; 2) b; 3) b; 4) d; 5) d; 6) b; 7) c; 8) b; 9) a; 10) a; 11) c; 12) b; 13) c, d; 14) c; 15) b


1337zezar1 1337zezar1  06.09.2020 18:01

1)a 2)c 3)b 4)d 5)d 6)b 7)c 8)b 9)a 10)a 11)c 12)b 13)c 14)c 15)b


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