Выберите правильную форму , для кр. 1. We__(sent/had sent) out invitations by 6 o'clock
2. When i got to the office, i remembered that i__(left/had left) the keys in the car.
3. Last year my friend's family__(moved/had moved) to another city.
4. I__(met/had met) Ted yesterday. He was working in his garden.
5. When Rita went to bed, she remembered that she__(didn't lock/hadn't locked) the front door.
6. All the pupils were in the classroom but the teacher(didn't come/hadn't come) yet.
7. When we arrived at the airport, the plane__(took off/had taken off) already.​

oleg410 oleg410    1   18.03.2021 15:19    1

tokufoveru tokufoveru  18.03.2021 15:20

1.had sent

2. left

3. moved

4. met

5. didn't lock

6. hadn't come

7. had taken off.


vladkoles36 vladkoles36  18.03.2021 15:20

1 had sent

2 had left

3 moved

4 met

5 hadn't locked

6 didn't come

7 had taken off

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