Выберите правильное слово и вставьте его в нужную форму run – flow
“run” – movement of liquids, very general, faster than “flow” – течь
Water was running down the windshield (ветровое стекло).
“flow” – slow, steady movement, has a lyrical tone – течь
The broad river flowed through my home town.
1. Air current ... from the west to the east. 2. I was watching the river as it ...
under the bridge. 3. Where does the river ... ? 4. The tide (прилив) began ... .
5. His life ... slowly and smoothly. 6. Gold ... out of the country. 7. Water ... all
over the bathroom. 8. Tears ... from her eyes.
go – come
“go” – move away from the speaker – идти, ехать
“come” – move to a place (to the speaker), move to be with smb – при
ходить, приезжать
1. Shall we ... by train or by plane? 2. Are you ... to my party? 3. He ... to China.
4. I’ve only ... for an hour. 5. They ... to the river at last. 6. Let’s ... to the cinema.
7. This road ... to London. 8. They ... at 6 and ... at 9.

rzd1 rzd1    2   10.11.2020 15:00    5

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