Выберите подходящий вариант ответа: 1. Can you help me? I a post office.
a) am looking for b) look for c) am look for d) looking for
2. Tomorrow the Queen open a new hospital.
a) is going b) will going to c) is going to d) will to
3. What ? I work in a book shop.
a) are you doing b) do you c) are you do d) do you do
4. Where yesterday?
a) you was b) are you c) were you d) did you were
5. John last week?
a) Did you see b) Did you saw c) Do you see d) Have you see
6. Last month he three large fish.
a) catch b) catched c) caught d) did catch
7. When we went in, they to the radio.
a) listened b) listening c) were listening d) were listen
8. Do you like Paris? I don't know. I there.
a) never went b) didn't go c) never gone d) haven't been
9. I'm a teacher. I a teacher for twelve years.
a) was b) have been c) am d) am being
10. He drink whisky, but he does now.
a) used to b) wasn't used to c) hadn't use to d) didn't use to

kazashkatv kazashkatv    3   06.01.2022 18:08    0

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