Выберите подходящие глаголы. Запишите номер предложения и тот глагол, который выбрали. ответы пришлите на проверку.
1) I was (offered/ suggested) a cup of tea.
2) Jane (offered/ suggested) staying with the children while we went to the shop.
3) Molly was eager to help. She (offered/ suggested) to stay with the children.
4) Steve (offered/ suggested) to go on a trip about the town. Everybody agreed.
5) Uncle Gerald (offers/ suggests) that Vivien should help to plant the trees.
6) I’d like to (offer/ suggest) an alternative plan.
7) They (offered/ suggested) us $50,000 for the house.
8) The latest figures (offer/ suggest) that our business is improving.