Выберите один правильный ответ she has got a car, … ? 1 hasn’t she 2 has she 3 hasn’t she got 4 doesn’t she my friends and i … meet in this bar. 1 very 2 often 3 very much 4 every day i … to the cinema very often. 1 doesn’t goes 2 don’t goes 3 don’t go 4 doesn’t go elizabeth ii … the queen of england fo more than 50 yeas. 1 is 2 has been 3 was 4 had been it rains a lot in autumn, … ? 1 does it 2 is it 3 isn’t it 4 doesn’t it we have got … flou, we can’t make a cake. 1 few 2 little 3 a few 4 a little i … this book all day, but i haven’t finished it yet. 1 have been reading 2 read 3 have read 4 am reading jack is busy, he … his room. 1 tidy 2 is tidying 3 tidies 4 is tiding m. andrew has got a … car. 1 black new japanese 2 japanese black new 3 japanese new black 4 new black japanese there are all modern conveniences in their country house, … ? 1 are they 2 are there 3 aren’t they 4 aren’t there how long … his house? 1 has he had 2 has he got 3 he has had 4 does he have does ann get to school by bus … ? 1 o does she walk 2 o she walks 3 o she walk 4 o walks … you siste … a mobile phone? 1 does … has 2 do … got 3 has … got 4 have … got james … as an engineer befoe he … a promotion. 1 had worked, had got 2 worked, has got 3 worked, had got 4 had worked, got nick … at 5 o’clock yesterday. 1 did 2 was doing 3 were doing 4 had done we know very … about shakespeare’s life. 1 lots 2 many 3 little 4 lot this game is … more inteesting than that one. 1 much 2 less 3 not so 4 as

суперМозг777 суперМозг777    2   24.06.2019 16:20    0

nikafolz nikafolz  20.07.2020 06:41
 1)hasn’t she
3) don’t go
4)was(хотя не уверенна)
5)doesn’t it
7)have been reading
8)is tidying
9)new black Japanese
10)aren’t they
11)has he got
12) o does she walk
13)Has … got
14)worked, had got
15)was doing
Кажется так)
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