Выберите необходимые указательные местоимения a)this; b)these; c)that; d)those
1. ... is my book, ... is yours. Take it
2.At ... moment he is very busy. Phone in twenty minutes, please
3. ... was a sad story. Everybody kept silence for some time
4. ... flowers are mine, ... are his
5.Will ... students who were late at the lesson tell the reason of their being late?
6.I'll take ... book, I don't like ... one. Give it to me
7.Where do you live ?'—'I live in ... house. Welcome!'
8. ... buildings were built last year. Do you like them?
9. -'Have you read ... letter?' -'Not yet.'
10. ... suits are more suitable for young persons. They don't suit me

Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий. Выберите необходимую форму
1.A new hospital is….than the one in Novaya Street
a)large c)the largest
b)larger d)most large
2.This hospital is one of….in the town
a)larger c)the largest
b)large d)more large
3.In July the days are …
a)shorter c)the shortest
b)short d)more short
4.This work is …than that one
a)easy c)the easiest
b)easier d)most easy
5.His grandmother is … than his grandfather
a)younger c)the youngest
b)young d)more young
6.This student is … in our group
a)attentive c)more attentive
b)the most attentive d)the attentive
7.He was … than I
a)more careful c)careful
b)the most careful d)the carefullest
8.English grammar is difficult, but English pronunciation is …
a)difficult c)the most difficult
b)more difficult d)the difficult
9.Today the weather is … than yesterday
a)worse c)the worst
b)bad d)good
10.The Crimea is one of … places for rest
a)good c)the best
b)better d)more good

Выберите правильную форму глагола
1.The journal ... the description of a new method
a)includes c)including
b)include d)shall include
2.If you come to me we ... Anatomy
a)study c)shall study
b)studies d)will study
3.As soon as the patient is admitted to the hospital the doctor ... him
a)examine c)shall examine
b)examined d)will examine
4.The patient ... weight if he is seriously ill
a)lost c)loses
b)lose d)shall lose
5.Professor Petrov ... the lecture on Physiology yesterday
a)delivered c)delivers
b)deliver d)will deliver
6.The doctor a sick woman tomorrow
a)will examine c)examined
b)examines d)shall examine
7.The child ... in a week
a)recover c)recovered
b)shall recover d)will recover
8.She ... to the sanatorium last summer
a)go c)goes
b)went d)will go
9.He Histology next term
a)study c)studied
b)will study d)studies
10.The students ... injections in two days
a)make c)made
b)makes d)will make

Выберите из данных ниже правильную форму глагола
1.Whom … the doctor … at the hospital every day?
a)is ...treat c)does ... treat
b)have treat d)do ... treat
2 you ... at the Medical University?
a)do .. study c)are ... studying
b)is ... studying d)does ... study
3.What … the surgeon already ...?
a)did … do c)has ... done
b)had …done d)has …. been done
4.What … the surgeon … for two hours?
a)shall ... perform c)is ... performing
b)are … performing d)will ... perform
5.What mark … you … in Anatomy at your examination last year?
a)has… received c)do ... receive
b)are…receiving d)did ... receive
6.He ... the patient tomorrow
a)will operate c)is operating
b)was operating d)operates
7.What … you … to do before you saw me?
a)have … decided c)does .. decide
b)has … decided d)had … decided
8.What … the nurse … for an hour before the surgeon began the operation?
a)had …done c)will ... do
b)has … done d)does ... do
9.He ... drugs every day
a)shall take c)take
b)did take d)takes
10.How many patients … the doctor … tomorrow by 5 p.m.?
a)did … hospitalize c)will ... hospitalize
b)does … hospitalize d)will …. have hospitalized

Bыберите правильный вариант
1.He ... to leave this clinic after a week
a)was allowed c)may
b)can d)must
2.They ... to learn many anatomical terms last week
a)can c)were
b)may d)could
3.Medical students ... know Anatomy very well
a)must c)is
b)may d)could
4.They ... to finish the experiment in time
a)may c)will be able
b)must d)could
5.He ... to perform such serious operations on the heart
a)was able c)can
b)must d)may
6.I ... always tell people what I think
a)can’t c)aren’t
b)isn’t d)hasn’t
7.… you wait till tomorrow morning? – I can wait, but my toothache can’t
a)aren’t c)may
b)mustn’t d)could
8.He asked if he ... bring his sister to the party
a)can c)may
b)might d)must
9.She ... to visit her sick friend yesterday
a)was allowed c)is allowed
b)will be allowed d)is able
10.What ... cause serious complications after the grippe?
a)may c)can
b)is able d)was able

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