Выберите какое слово больше подходит
1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form, positive or negative. Use the present simple, present continuous or will.

1 Peter (forever / ask) me the same question, and it’s driving me mad!

2 (you ever / think) it might be nice to live in a different country?

3 I (often / go) out in the evenings these days – I’m too tired.

4 You (always / tell) me to work harder, but I’m trying my best!

5 He (change) his mind about it whatever you say to him – he never does.

6 Adam (always / complain) about how little pocket money he gets.

7 You just can’t rely on Gary. I bet he (arrive) at your party an hour late wearing a scruffy pair of jeans.

8 Our teacher (usually / give) us much homework at the weekend, but this week we got loads!

2. Underline the correct verb form.

My name’s Mary and I 1 grew / would grow up in a large family – six kids! It was great – we 2 had / would have very little money, but we 3 was / used to be very happy. Every summer we 4 used to went / would go camping in Devon. We 5 stay / used to stay at a farm in a place called Woollacombe in Devon. Each day we 6 helped to / would help around the farm and once the farmer 7 let / would let us feed a new born lamb with milk from a bottle. Of course some summers it 8 rained / use to rain and that’s no fun when you’re camping! And then there was the year when my youngest sister 9 broke / would break her arm on the very first day! But we still 10 managed / would manage to have a good time in spite of it.

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