Выберите и вставьте в предложение нужную форму глагола «to have». 1. i can't make a phone call. i … not … any change. a) have got b) has got 2. he can find his way to our house. he … a map. a) have got b) has got 3. your father … a lot of money. a) have got b) has got

smalik8 smalik8    3   31.08.2019 23:00    2

Vadim200129 Vadim200129  01.09.2020 01:44
1. I can't make a phone call. I HAVE not GOT any change.
a) have got

2. He can find his way to our house. He HAS GOT a map.
b) has got

3. Your father HAS GOT a lot of money.
b) has got
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