Выберите форму существительного в притяжательном падеже. 1.the tooth of my little brother 2. the toys of my sister a. my brother's little tooth; a. my sister's toys b. my little brother's tooth b. my sisters' toys с my tooth's little brother с the toys' my sister. 3. the wages of my father 4. the text-book of my friend a. father's my wages; a. my friends' text-book b. wages' my father b. my friend's the text-book c. my father's wages с my friend's text-book 5. the people of this country. 6. the goods of that office. a. this country's people; a. that office's goods; b. these people's country; b. that offices' goods с country's these people. с. the goods' that office 7. the instruments of his father. 8. the children of my aunt. a. his father's instruments; a. my aunts' children; b. his instrument's father; b. children's my aunt; с the father's instruments. c. my aunt's children. 9. the geese of my granny. 10. the trousers of those boys. a. geese's my granny; a. those boy's trousers; b. my granny's geese; b. those boys' trousers; с my geese's granny. с the trousers' those boys.
34 c
56 a
78 a
910 b