Выбери один из предложенных вариантов. 23. the growing numbers of visitors the photographs. a is damaging b damages c are damaging d was damaging 24. jane a few minutes ago. a left b has left c leaves d had left 25. if i were, i that coat. it’s too much expensive. a won’t buy b don’t buy c am not going to buy d wouldn’t buy 26. robert laiely? a did you see b have you seen c do you see d are you seeing 27. switzerland four times during 1970s. a used to visit b would visit c visited d will visit 28. jenny leave the hospital only six hours after the baby was born. a was able to b could c can d is able to 29. the car broke down and we a taxi. a must have got b have got to get c had to get d must get 30. you whisper. nobody can hear us. a needn’t b don’t have to c mustn’t d need to 31. who was coming to see me this morning? a you said b did you say c did you say that d you did say 32.1 remembered the race. a the horse’s winning b the horse to win c the horse winning d the horse’s to win 33. she reminded the papers. a me where to leave b me where i had to leave c where i had to leave d where to leave 34. we had holiday in spain. a two week’s b two weeks’ c two-week d a two-week 35. against her parent’s w ishes, she wants to be a the journalist b journalist c a journalist d journalists 36. the most popular of fiction writing. a the novel is b novel is c the novels are d novels are 37.what have we got ? a for the dinner b for a dinner c for dinner d to dinner

tatyankafi tatyankafi    2   04.08.2019 05:30    12

asovgira asovgira  03.10.2020 21:27
23. The growing numbers of visitors the photographs. A is damaging и C are damaging
24. Jane just a few minutes ago. A left
25. If I were you, I that coat. It’s too much expensive. A won’t buy и D wouldn’t buy
26. Robert laеely? B Have you seen
27. We Switzerland four times during 1970s. C visited
28. Jenny leave the hospital only six hours after the baby was born. A was able
29. The car broke down and we a taxi. C had to get
30. You whisper. Nobody can hear us. B don’t have to
31. Who was coming to see me this morning? B did you say
32. I remembered the race. A the horse’s winning и C the horse winning
33. She reminded the papers. B me where I had to leave.
34. We had holiday in Spain. C two-week 
35. Against her parent’s wishes, she wants to be . C a journalist
36. the most popular of fiction writing. D Novels are
37. What have we got ? C for dinner
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