Выбери и вставь в предложения правильный ответ: 1. Jane ... in the restaurant yesterday evening. (a -eats, b-ate, c- didn’t ate). 2. On Saturday Phil ... musical instruments (a-buy, b-didn’t bought, c-bought). 3. We...to the party last night (a-didn’t go, b- didn’t went, c-go). 4. My parents...fresh lemonade an hour ago. (a-drank, b-drink, c-didn’t frank). 5. The best student ... the first prize last Thursday (a-won, b-didn’t won, c-win). 6. Jill and her mom ...a dinosaur in the mountains (a-didn’t see, b-didn’t saw, c-see). 7. My father... a salad for me in the morning (a-make, b-made, c-didn’t made). 8. Robbie ... the cinema 10 min ago (a-didn’t left, b- didn’t leave, c- leaves). 9. Pam and Tony ... a trophy last month (a-have, b-has, c- didn’t have). 10. My friend Alex ... photos from the seaside ( a- didn’t give, b-didn’t gave, gives)

АлинаКравченко АлинаКравченко    2   05.05.2020 12:46    133