Введите правильное слово: •concert •aspirin • theatre •clothes • pair • gallery •
cinema • florist's • games •parks
1 You can find at Toyland.
2 They've got beautiful paintings at the art ……... .
3 I want to buy a of shoes.
4 I need some flowers. Where's the ?
5 Holly wants to see the film at the new……. .
6 You'll find at the chemist's.
7 I don't like theme……… . I'm scared of roller coasters.
8 The shop has got the dress I like!
9 Let's go to see a play at the …….
10 Musicians play in ………halls.
закончите приложения, используя закончите предложения должны или не должны .
21 Youthrow rubbish in the bin.
22 Youleave by 6 o'clock or you'll be late.
23 They eat inside the gallery!
24 We take photos. It's bad for the paintings.
25 Yoube quiet in this library.

sitnikovaalice sitnikovaalice    3   29.04.2020 18:55    2

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