Вставьте : was,were,wasn't,weren't • A: 11) Jim and Mary at the café
on Sunday?
B: No, they 12)
13) you there?
A: Yes, I 14)
• A: My parents 15) at the theatre last night.
B: 16) you with them?
A: No, I 17) but my brother 18)
B: Where 19) you?
A: 120) at home watching TV.

cherbycorTaiga cherbycorTaiga    2   11.10.2020 10:29    4

денис1134 денис1134  10.11.2020 10:30

11) Were Jim and Mary at the cafe on Sunday?

12) No they weren't

13) Was you there?

14) Yes, I was

My parents 15) Were at the theatre last night.

16) Wasn't you with them?

No, I wasn't 17) But my brother was.

Where 19) was you?

20) I was at home watching TV.



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