Вставьте вместо точек глагол to have в нужной форме. 1. i … got a cat. 2. he … got a mother. 3. they … got a motorbike. 4. ted … got a car. 5. the boys … got toys. 6. mary and i …. got many apples. 7. tom …. got a beautiful house. 8. i … got a computer. 9. the children … got many books. 10. i and jack …. got many computer games.

voskoboynikova1 voskoboynikova1    1   01.09.2019 01:50    5

vipvip16tk vipvip16tk  06.10.2020 09:00
1 have
2 has
3 have
4 has
5 have
6 have
7 has
8 have
9 have
10 have
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