Вставьте вместо точек артикль a an the
1.we see kitten.we like kitten. is in box.
2. my brother likes eggs.he eats egg for breakfast.he likes cheese and meat too.
3.i go to school in morning.i study at school well.i like to play football on sanday.in winter i play hockey.

всавьте вместо точек нужное притяжательное местоимение (my,his,her,its,our,your,their)
1. she is in bedroom.
2.the dog is playing with puppy.
3.we like yard.
4.sasha often reads books for little sister.
5. you have a brother. brother is a good pupil.
6. the children look after pets.

выберите нужное местоимение в объектном падеже:
1. look at ! she is skipping.(her,me,him)
2. don't tell the news.(him,he,his)
3. please,wait for . (we,us,our)
4. ask to come.(they,their, them)
5. your father wants to help .(you,his,your)
6. the book is on the desk.take ! (its,him,it)

выберите правильный вариант притяжательного падежа существительного
1. his names are chris and paul.(brothers,brother's,brothers')
2. this is the bag.(lady's,ladies',lady)
3. on the table you can see .(a cup of coffee,coffee's cup,cup's of coffee)
4. these are pictures.( of jane's,janes')
5. favourite game is tennis.(andrew's,andrews', of andrew)

выберите правильную форму глагола ( present indefinite или present continuous)
1. the woman now.(knits,is knitting,knit)
2. my cat usually on my bed.(sleep,is sleeping,sleeps)
3. he football in summer.(play,plays, is playing)
4. john to school at the moment.(goes,is going,go)
5. in the morning my mother breakfast for the family.(cooks,cook,is cooking)

Franker10 Franker10    1   30.09.2019 16:28    3

max100500206 max100500206  30.09.2019 17:20


a ставится, когда говорится о неопределённом предмете, единственное исчисляемое или перед пригательным. an - когда слово последующее начинается на гласную букву. the- множественные или определённый предмет

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