Вставьте вместо точек ❗️❗️❗️2. people should think more … plants and animals … earth as their life is … danger and they should save it … the future. 3. everyone knows that water is important … people and their life but not everyone knows how to protect … it. 4. it is quite common when people cannot swim … the sea as the sea is polluted. … many places … earth the water is not good … drinking and cooking. 5. lake baikal is … great danger … the factories … it. they make the water so dirty that fish and other animals die … such water. 6. the climate … the planet has changed. the temperature grows … 3-4 degrees … every year. 7. people … their activity also do a lot … harm … nature. they cut … forests to build houses and farms. 8. many factories send a lot … smoke … the atmosphere, it is very bad … the air and people who breathe it … .

Zzzasha Zzzasha    2   20.06.2019 03:10    1

1505Анютка1505 1505Анютка1505  16.07.2020 07:31
2. about, on, in, for
3. for,-
4. in, in.on, for
5. in, because of, round, in
6. on, for, -
7. by, of, to, many
8. of,to,for ,in
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