Вставьте в пропуски местоимения some или any There are apples on the tree.
There isn't water in the glass.
Have you got red pens?
I don't drink milk.
You may eat sweets. .
Don't eat sweets before dinner.
There are not children in the park.
Are there pupils in the classroom?
There are sweets on the table.
Does your mother drink coffee?
Tom hasn't got toy cars.​

2shIk 2shIk    1   06.04.2021 19:02    0

Виктория6789045 Виктория6789045  06.04.2021 19:10

some apples

any water

any red pens

any milk

some sweets

any sweets

any children

any pupils

some sweets

any coffee

any toy cars

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