Вставьте в пропуски -''is", "does", ''was", "did", ''will", ''do". 1. __ the rainbow in the sky last week?
2. What__ the weather like today?
3. _ the snow cover the ground tomorrow?
4. __ it misty yesterday morning?
5. __the summer flowers fade in the garden last week?
6. _ the heat be unbearable next month?
7. __ the weather nasty two days ago?
8. __ it ten above zero today?

Mister2211 Mister2211    1   17.06.2020 23:39    0

Nina34732 Nina34732  14.09.2020 23:54

1. Was

2. is

3. Will

4. Was

5. Did

6. Will

7. Was

8. Is


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