Вставьте в обычные пропуски нужную форму глагола to be (am, is, are), а в подчеркнутые - нужные формы притяжательных местоимений (my, your, his, her, our, their). Пример: My name is Sandra Lomb.

a) Hello! … name … Sandra Lomb and I … 30 years old. I … from London, England. I … a doctor in the hospital. In … free time I like gardening and going on trips to the countryside. I have a great family: … husband, two sons, … parents and grandparents. … husband’s name … Tom and he … 35 years old. … hobbies are sports and fishing. … sons’ names … Sam and Peter. They … twins. … hobbies … board games and collecting coins. … parents’ names … Sophia and James. They … 55 and 57 years old. They … fond of going to the theatre to watch plays. … favourite plays … dramas and … favourite ones … comedies. … grandparents Samantha and Edward … 85 and 86 years old. … hobbies … going to the concerts and to the museums.

b) Hello! … name … Santiago and I … 53 years old. I … from Barcelona, Spain. I … a firefighter. In … free time I enjoy doing sports and spending time with … family. I … married to … wife Lucia. I have two children, … parents, … elder sister Marisol and … younger brother Carlos. … wife Lucia … a teacher in school. … hobbies … shopping and cooking. My son and daughter’s names … Francisco and Anna. They … 28 and 24 years old. Francisco … fond of computer programming and Anna … keen on dancing. … sister Marisol … 45 years old and she … a designer. … brother Carlos … 48 years old and he … is an engineer. Marisol and Carlo’s children … … nephews. … names … Rodrigo and Julia.

c) Hello! … names …Sana and Rena and we .. from Tokyo, Japan. We … twins and we … both 21 years old. Sana likes books, so … favorite hobby … reading and Rena … fond of music. … hobby in common … doing voluntary work and helping others. They … both students of the same university, but Sana wants to become a lawyer and … sister wants to be a policewoman. … family is large: they have … mother Sora and father Jin, … elder brother Hiro, … grandparents Kauri and Shiro, … uncle Shoma and aunt Kanao. … mother Sora … a housewife, … hobby … is cooking when ... husband’s favourite hobby … model engeneering. Sora and Jin’s son Hiro … keen on figure skating. Sana and Rena’s grandparents Kauri and Shiro are 70 and 74 years old, they like to spend time with … family along with uncle Shoma and aunt Kanao who … 45 and 40 years old.

DinaraDamir DinaraDamir    2   20.10.2020 02:53    6

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