Вставьте some, any, no и их производные (somebody, something, anybody, anything, everybody, everything, nobody, nothing). 1. you have ….. very nice water-colours here. 2. there is …. in the next room who wants to speak to you. 3. if there is …. else you want, please let me know. 4. i have …. time to speak to you now. i am very busy. 5. there aren`t …. magazines here. 6. let me know if … happens. 7. please tell us the story. …. knows it yet. 8. there isn`t …. butter on the table. take … fresh butter from the fridge. 9. i know …. about your town. tell me …. about it. 10. you may read …. book you like. 11. i understand …. now. thank you for your explanation. 12. may i have ….water, please? 13. is there …. in your group who lives in the hostel? 14. if you have …. idea about it, please tell it to me. 15. …. can answer this question. it`s very easy.

mila17111 mila17111    1   16.06.2019 11:50    0

dashavchinnik dashavchinnik  13.07.2020 08:43
1) some
2) someone
3) something
4) no
5) any
6) something
7) nobody
8) any, some
9) nothing, everything
10) some
11) everything
12) some
13) anyone
14) some
15) someone
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