Вставьте слово, подходящее по смыслу. 1. americans like to win. they have extremely nature. 2. advertising to buy things far beyond we really need. 3. he is a person: he always says what he means. xxii. вставьте подходящее по смыслу выражение: a) break the rule b) obey certain rules c) jumped the queue d) traffic jam e) bad publicity 1. if you’d like living in our room you . 2. i couldn’t buy tickets because a young man and got the last one. 3. never and everything will be all right. xviii. определите, соответствует ли высказывание действительности. а – соответствует, b – не соответствует. 1. the percentage of native english speakers is declining globally. 2. english will remain widespread and important. 3. the problem of learning languages is very important today. 4. there is only one method of learning languages. 5. to learn a foreign language doesn’t take much time. xix. вставьте слово, подходящее по смыслу. 1. your can be considered rude if you smoke in a public place. a) belonging b) benefit c) behaviour d) bestseller 2. british people are more reserved then most of continent a) incidents b) inhabitants c) independence d) ingredients 3. if you meet a don’t get into conversation with him – it can be dangerous. a) streamer b) stringer c) stretcher d) stranger xx. найдите эквивалент. 1. вежливый – a) popular b) polite c) possible d) plump 2. грубый, невежливый – a) rude b) rigid c) risky d) rough 3. расстроенный – a) unfortunate b) unhappy c) upset d) upside xvi. раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в нужном времени. предложения переведите. 1. if they (not to speak) english well themselves, they at least (to understand) it, when a speaker (to be) a foreigner; the better he (to speak) the harder it is to understand him. 2. when he (to go) to england last time he (to bring) me some souvenirs. 3. he (to learn) english or german? 4. when i (to ring) up my friend, he (to sleep). 5. when we (to walk) about the forest, we (to see) a fox. 6. i (to meet) tom, while i (to wait) for a bus. 7. if she (to read) our letter she will understand that we are right. 8. the english usually (to drink) tea without milk 9. who (to look) after the children this afternoon? 10. i (not to drink) coffee in the evening, i (to drink) coffee in the morning.

89681355832 89681355832    3   14.09.2019 05:40    3

бюро бюро  07.10.2020 13:31
1. wild
2. makes
3. honest


1. b
2. c
3. a


1. A
2. A 
3. A
4. B
5. B (субъективно)


1. c
2. b
3. d?


1. b
2. a
3. c


1. don't speak, understand, is
2. went, brought
3. learns
4. rang, was sleeping
5. were walking, saw
6. met, was waiting
7. read
8. drink
9. is looking
10. don't, drink