Вставьте слова из таблицы в предложения и укажите время, в котором они написаны. ( ‘ve been writing, had been typing, won’t be taking, will have been living, have been playing, had been running, will be speaking, had been driving, ’ll be waiting, have been learning, will have been taking, will be thinking, had been studying, has been sleeping, will have been sleeping )
1. I …….. this letter for an hour.
2. The cat ……. for hours before it wakes up for its dinner! If you go now, you……. around for ages without a doubt.
3. I ……. the car for five years when I sold it.
4. She ……. all day long.
5. They ……. in the rain since the match started. Margaret ……. English for a short time when the electricity went off.
6. At this rate you ……. Spanish fluently in a question of months.
7. By the end of June I ……. in this flat for thirteen years.
8. If I know my brother, he ……. hard about what to do next.
9. They were out of breath. They ……. for a long time.
10. At this time tomorrow I ……. a test for an hour.
11. I …….. her advice again.
12. I ……. French for ten years.
13. I was tired because I ……. for a long time.

davo20051 davo20051    2   06.12.2020 19:56    2

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