Вставьте пропущенные предлоги.

1. The blackboard is … the wall.
2. We take our books and notebooks … the bags and put them … the table.
3. I gave the book … him, and not … her.
4. I begin my studies … 9 o’clock.
5. We don’t study … summer.
6. We come … the classroom and sit down … the tables.
7. I’m writing … a pencil.
8. This is a book … my brother.
9. And what have I do … it.
10. We must finish everything … the end … the year.

vulpe vulpe    3   19.03.2020 09:53    8

пикачу87 пикачу87  19.03.2020 10:30


. The book is.on the table. 2. The lamp is on  the table. 3. The girl is.at the table. 4. The man is.on the chair. 5. The book is.in the bag. 6. The pencil is.on the desk. 7. My house is .in the street. 8. The blackboard is in. the classroom. 9, The chair is .near the table. 10. We sit at the table.

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